I can hear jumps (click, pops or drop-outs) in the music when playing back or recording a song.Just what happens with a "physical" multitrack recorder. Adding different wave files to a track is useful if for example you are recording a guitar solo track and there are two solos in the song: instead of recording the two solos together in a track, or recording them in two wave files and associating them to two different tracks, you can record both starting from there actually the solos should start and keeping the two wave files in the same track, so that volume, pan and effects settings will be the same. The number of non overlapping files is not limited. How many non overlapping wavs can a single track contain?.See How can I backup or tranfer songs or audio tracks You can save the song as a packed song file, selecting the File/Save As packed song file menu command. sng file and a bunch of separate wav files? How can I save my project as a bundle, just one file and not one.When the "Grid/Snap to grid" menu command is activated the track's offset will snap to the nearest grid line. Hold the shift key to move the file only vertically.

You can move a track wave file’s offset simply pressing the four arrows button (or holding the CTRL key) and then dragging the waveform's rectangle sideways. sgw file smaller and easier to transfer for example by email. sgw file can be either uncompressed (for optimum sound quality) or compressed using the Ogg Vorbis format to make the. You'll then be able to transfer all the song (or the selected tracks) data as a single file. sng files) and the audio tracks data (usually kept in the. sgw file will contain both the song structure (usually saved in.

Faster CPUs will be able more effects and/or more tracks. Most modern dual-core CPUs are workhorses and can process a vast number of effects and tracks. It's a set of radio buttons, when you reach "Stereo -> two mono tracks" move the up/down arrow keys. To set the program to record as in the review a single stereo wave file from the soundcard input instead of the default two mono wave files: access the recording settings dialog box with the "View/Soundcard's settings/Recording format" menu command or with the Ctrl+Alt+F4 shortcut, then change from "Stereo -> two mono tracks" to just "stereo". Use B in Winamp to skip past the other segments. Matthew Bullis did an audio review of n-Track Studio for blind users at Go to "on demand", then "main menu", and search for "Matthew Bullis" on the page and click on the show date ( ).
To make Jaws screen reader software understand the text of the menus check the "Disable icons in menus" option: you can access the options opening the Preferences dialog box by pressing Ctrl+P, then Ctrl+TAB twice to get to the Appearance tab and then TAB until you get to the option.
n-Track is compatible with the Narrator Windows XP screen reader software. Can the program be used by a visually impaired person?.Even if it was possible, you would get horrible performance as soon as you'll add more than 1 wave file from a CD rom: the program reads small pieces of data from each wave file, jumping from one file to another, and even very fast CD-Roms are very slow at this because they have poor seek times (I think at least an order of magnitude greater than hard disks). npk file (needed for displaying the waveform) in the same location as the wav file, and that's not possible with a CD Rom.

No, you must first copy the wave file to an hard disk.